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PixelateMe is a ready-to-use, parallel tool to make faces unrecognisable. With many different settings and CLI and GUI, PixelateMe can be used straightaway for processing single images and entire videos.

Example of the PixelateMe Demo Application
Original image from by Susan G. Komen 3-Day

Different modes

PixelateMe supports several modes for making faces unrecognisable, such as pixelation, blurring, or a solid colour.

The layers sidebar design, now with user profiles.
Multiple user annotations on a shared layer.

Face recognition

PixelateMe also supports the pixelation of certain faces or the pixelation of all faces except for certain ones. The Python package DeepFace is used for this and the faces to be considered can be saved in a folder

The new My Slides tab in slice, showing annotated and favorited slides.